Van Life Day 1 | Free Camping in Dungeness

Van Life Day 1 | Free Camping in Dungeness

Welcome to our original blog posts from our first adventures around Europe in our VWT4 back in 2014/2015. We hope you enjoy them :)

We finally hit the road after loading the van with all our possessions we think we’ll need - only time will tell whether we’re being excessive. Heading down to Dungeness was exciting, we’d been planning on leaving for months now so to finally be on our way felt surreal. 

A quick visit into Asda on the way meant we could stock up on fresh food, we’d already stored away hundreds of tins to keep us going for a while, but you always need things like vegetables, milk, and fruit. 

Arriving in Dungeness that evening and enjoying the sunset from the view of the van whilst eating dinner, a simple cous cous dish with the spiciest onions imaginable, was the perfect way to wind down the first day.

Theo wandered off to capture the scenery and we found a spot suitable for a night shot later in the evening, passing a bunch of sea kale covered in earwigs which was strange as none of the other plants had any earwigs in sight! Once the sun set we retraced our steps back to the chosen location for the night shot, and were greeted by a Hare, the screams of a Fox, and the iridescent reflections from the sea kale caused by our headlamps. Dungeness really is a strange place, with the nuclear power plant glowing away in the distance we were shocked by the sight of the sea kale at first, radioactive plants? 

After messing around for a good hour getting the perfect night shot we headed up the road to pull in for the night, accompanied by two other VW vans we felt right at home.

Van Life Day 2 | Belgium

Van Life Day 2 | Belgium

Travelling With a Cat

Travelling With a Cat